Good riddance! Jody (yes, JODY!) Allen saves Seahawks football.

Hmm… Is this the fake post/imposter that got me banned on .NET I wonder?

I got banned shortly after this fake post was made. And it was really weird. As I made some posts shortly around this time about Free Agency, logged out, came back a couple weeks later and was banned. I mean, that's like getting fired on your day off. I am (was?) .NET exclusive. This is my first post being made that is not on .NET. Who knows where else this no-life weirdo has posted?

I have no specifics to why I was banned. I was not specifically cited anything, not allowed to plead my case. Just went to log on one day and couldn't. Baffling.

So I began snooping around other football forums here recently, looking to setup shop for the next football season. Noticed a lot of recognizable good guy names around here, and began perusing.

I am glad I stumbled upon this so now it makes sense why I was banned. This no-life weirdo is clearly a longtime hate reader of mine, copy and pasting some of my phraseology, but lacking the eloquence and smoothness I usually display, especially when making a new thread I would want people to read. I am 90% sure I know who it is, but I don't have a smoking gun to unequivocally prove it.

The imposter got one thing right though-- I do want my flowers. After getting crap slung at me for 4 years for merely pointing out Pete's issues, It would be nice to get some flowers thrown my way by these same folks for being on top of it the whole way. Unfazed.

It's been very interesting to see everyone telling the truth about Pete after he is gone, though. Fans--Media--Players--Former Players, etc. Now everyone is saying exactly what I've been saying for the last 4 years.

My preference is to go back to .NET, as people know that is the site where they can find me. If not, I have no problems trying to help this forum grow, and make this the new spot for football discussion.
Does he really expect us to believe he's the real Fade? Writes absolutely nothing like him.

Question is - who is this really? Kinda similar writing style to Chawker. They guy with ET as his avi.
Welcome to the realfade. You were a great read over and .nut.
I got banned over there for posting something negative about their current mod group over here. They have thin skins. Hopefully you’ll decide to post here on a regular basis.
I was wondering where you went? Lol
Well if you posting here, you’re black listed from ever coming back there. The weirdos that run that show are chronically online people who never smelled any kind of happiness in their lives.

They’re also all boomer minded cucks.
I am completely ignorant to the forum politics on that site and how it is run, as I have no interest in that sort of thing. I just want to post about football.
Wait wtf

Blaming Spider-Man GIF
C'mon you can tell the difference, right?
Does he really expect us to believe he's the real Fade? Writes absolutely nothing like him.

Question is - who is this really? Kinda similar writing style to Chawker. They guy with ET as his avi.
Well I am using the same email address here for my account as I had on .NET

Pretty hard to fake that.
Anyway, I don't really care man. I really don't know who you are.

Have fun though, Sweetie
You cared enough to post about it? This isn't the actions of someone who doesn't care.

But look, I am just here to post about football, if you wanna talk ball it's all good. That's my only concern. I am not into the personal stuff.

But I do want my name cleared as well so… I will defend myself.
You cared enough to post about it? This isn't the actions of someone who doesn't care.

But look, I am just here to post about football, if you wanna talk ball it's all good. That's my only concern. I am not into the personal stuff.

But I do want my name cleared as well so… I will defend myself.
I only talk ball with people who's football mind I respect. You were a bit after my time so I don't have an opinion.
I would love to name drop him, but I don't want to attract the weirdo is the thing. He'd probably create another alt and start pestering me again. And there is always the small chance my assumption is wrong, and it is another crazy kook I'm unaware of as well. Down the road I'll name drop him, but now is not the time.
Hmm… Is this the fake post/imposter that got me banned on .NET I wonder?

I got banned shortly after this fake post was made. And it was really weird. As I made some posts shortly around this time about Free Agency, logged out, came back a couple weeks later and was banned. I mean, that's like getting fired on your day off. I am (was?) .NET exclusive. This is my first post being made that is not on .NET. Who knows where else this no-life weirdo has posted?

I have no specifics to why I was banned. I was not specifically cited anything, not allowed to plead my case. Just went to log on one day and couldn't. Baffling.

So I began snooping around other football forums here recently, looking to setup shop for the next football season. Noticed a lot of recognizable good guy names around here, and began perusing.

I am glad I stumbled upon this so now it makes sense why I was banned. This no-life weirdo is clearly a longtime hate reader of mine, copy and pasting some of my phraseology, but lacking the eloquence and smoothness I usually display, especially when making a new thread I would want people to read. I am 90% sure I know who it is, but I don't have a smoking gun to unequivocally prove it.

The imposter got one thing right though-- I do want my flowers. After getting crap slung at me for 4 years for merely pointing out Pete's issues, It would be nice to get some flowers thrown my way by these same folks for being on top of it the whole way. Unfazed.

It's been very interesting to see everyone telling the truth about Pete after he is gone, though. Fans--Media--Players--Former Players, etc. Now everyone is saying exactly what I've been saying for the last 4 years.

My preference is to go back to .NET, as people know that is the site where they can find me. If not, I have no problems trying to help this forum grow, and make this the new spot for football discussion.
Yes, it's really you in this one.. I found that other Fades pic odd to say the least.
Flowers Spring GIF
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Yes, it's really you in this one.. I found that other Fades pic to be odd to say the least.
Flowers Spring GIF
The disjointed, WWE, cartoonish variation of something I would post, also too. And thanks for the flowers.
Hmm… Is this the fake post/imposter that got me banned on .NET I wonder?

I got banned shortly after this fake post was made. And it was really weird. As I made some posts shortly around this time about Free Agency, logged out, came back a couple weeks later and was banned. I mean, that's like getting fired on your day off. I am (was?) .NET exclusive. This is my first post being made that is not on .NET. Who knows where else this no-life weirdo has posted?

I have no specifics to why I was banned. I was not specifically cited anything, not allowed to plead my case. Just went to log on one day and couldn't. Baffling.

So I began snooping around other football forums here recently, looking to setup shop for the next football season. Noticed a lot of recognizable good guy names around here, and began perusing.

I am glad I stumbled upon this so now it makes sense why I was banned. This no-life weirdo is clearly a longtime hate reader of mine, copy and pasting some of my phraseology, but lacking the eloquence and smoothness I usually display, especially when making a new thread I would want people to read. I am 90% sure I know who it is, but I don't have a smoking gun to unequivocally prove it.

The imposter got one thing right though-- I do want my flowers. After getting crap slung at me for 4 years for merely pointing out Pete's issues, It would be nice to get some flowers thrown my way by these same folks for being on top of it the whole way. Unfazed.

It's been very interesting to see everyone telling the truth about Pete after he is gone, though. Fans--Media--Players--Former Players, etc. Now everyone is saying exactly what I've been saying for the last 4 years.

My preference is to go back to .NET, as people know that is the site where they can find me. If not, I have no problems trying to help this forum grow, and make this the new spot for football discussion.
Admin and mods at any site don't require a reason to ban someone. My advice is to use the Contact Us link if you want to speak to someone across the street and your log-in is blocked. ('Fade' doesn't currently appear in the members list so you appear to be excluded). If the mods can't or won't answer you then your choices are to contact the owner at 1 of his other sites, start again with a new account whilst trying to modify any behaviour that got you banned, or move on to another site. For what it's worth I didn't see anything you posted that breached the guidelines and your absence has been noted in the Shack. I'm sad that many posters here have been either temporarily or permanently suspended across the street.

Maybe if I get to 500 posts here i'll create an alt so I can talk to someone when I eventually do get banned.

In the meantime here are some inappropriate flowers...

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Admin and mods at any site don't require a reason to ban someone. My advice is to use the Contact Us link if you want to speak to someone across the street and your log-in is blocked. ('Fade' doesn't currently appear in the members list so you appear to be excluded). If the mods can't or won't answer you then your choices are to contact the owner at 1 of his other sites, start again with a new account whilst trying to modify any behaviour that got you banned, or move on to another site. For what it's worth I didn't see anything you posted that breached the guidelines and your absence has been noted in the Shack. I'm sad that many posters here have been either temporarily or permanently suspended across the street.

Maybe if I get to 500 posts here i'll create an alt so I can talk to someone when I eventually do get banned.

In the meantime here are some inappropriate flowers...

View attachment 179
That sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through for something that should be so simple.

But I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
That sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through for something that should be so simple.

But I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
Contacting them and making your case should be pretty straight-forward. Either banning you was a mistake or they genuinely want you gone. If it was a mistake you'll be ok. If not your best best is a new account and a change in posting behaviour.