At risk, as usual, of making this a Star Wars board and losing PEhawk forever...
but anyway...
3 new Star Wars movies were announced and one of them will bring back Rey. Rey doesnt hold a special place in my heart, I admit but her movie , which will be about rebuilding the Jedi order, is quite of interest to me.
Instead of a classic Star Wars movie with some big bad guy to over come I have an idea Id love for them to try that I will try and see what you find folks think of it.
If youre really old or were introduced to Star Wars a certain way, watching Empire Strikes Back in particular and partly from Return of the Jedi you had a feeling that at a certain point learning the Force was really difficult and failing at it would often lead someone to the Dark side.
Obviously a lot of Empire comes right out and says it, but it was also just the vibe.. Luke being tempted.. Obi Wan talking about how its a dangerous time for Luke, the cave....
So instead of a movie with a big bad guy to defeat (or god forbid a BIGGER space station to blow up....) what if its a movie taking a bit of inspiration from education movies.
She gathers force sensitive children, but they are mostly traumatized because of their talents..theyve been hidden or abused, abandoned, kidnapped and hunted.. etc.. Most have trust issues, most have problems with authority and what not.. and each has their individual issues they must overcome.. Meanwhile due to failures of the Order before, Rey struggles with issues with the ...New New Republic or whatever.
Slowly and gradually she teaches and helps the students one on one to over come their demons and become proficient and when tempted to the Dark Side in the penultimate conflict in the movie all manage to resist except one.. the best but most troubled student who seemingly joins the foe.. But with a switch we see that student in fact went into the lair of the enemy not to be turned, but to save..when that proves impossible she or he finishes off the foe and makes it back. The New New Republic recognizes the Order again, and Reys faith in her students is redeemed or justified.
Im thinking like a Stand And Deliver type movie but with Jedi.
but anyway...
3 new Star Wars movies were announced and one of them will bring back Rey. Rey doesnt hold a special place in my heart, I admit but her movie , which will be about rebuilding the Jedi order, is quite of interest to me.
Instead of a classic Star Wars movie with some big bad guy to over come I have an idea Id love for them to try that I will try and see what you find folks think of it.
If youre really old or were introduced to Star Wars a certain way, watching Empire Strikes Back in particular and partly from Return of the Jedi you had a feeling that at a certain point learning the Force was really difficult and failing at it would often lead someone to the Dark side.
Obviously a lot of Empire comes right out and says it, but it was also just the vibe.. Luke being tempted.. Obi Wan talking about how its a dangerous time for Luke, the cave....
So instead of a movie with a big bad guy to defeat (or god forbid a BIGGER space station to blow up....) what if its a movie taking a bit of inspiration from education movies.
She gathers force sensitive children, but they are mostly traumatized because of their talents..theyve been hidden or abused, abandoned, kidnapped and hunted.. etc.. Most have trust issues, most have problems with authority and what not.. and each has their individual issues they must overcome.. Meanwhile due to failures of the Order before, Rey struggles with issues with the ...New New Republic or whatever.
Slowly and gradually she teaches and helps the students one on one to over come their demons and become proficient and when tempted to the Dark Side in the penultimate conflict in the movie all manage to resist except one.. the best but most troubled student who seemingly joins the foe.. But with a switch we see that student in fact went into the lair of the enemy not to be turned, but to save..when that proves impossible she or he finishes off the foe and makes it back. The New New Republic recognizes the Order again, and Reys faith in her students is redeemed or justified.
Im thinking like a Stand And Deliver type movie but with Jedi.