Phrases you hate

I stream under the name Z_Voss. Voss is a family name. Birdfinger has to much baggage for this venture. Lol.

YouTube channel is - ZVossGaming
Twitch is -

It all started in January when I wanted to do more with DaVinci Resolve but didn't have footage. I game a lot now so I put them together. Then thought might as well stream too. Now I'm all in.

Didn't share cuz everything is terrible as I learn. But terrible doesn't keep me down anymore so feel free to sub/follow and catch a live stream!
You know I'm kidding, Love. Those who own glass dildos shouldn't throw butt plugs. Ya know?
Oh yeah I do. No worries! It is something I'd never thought I'd do though.
gamer GIF by Totorial