So lucky to live in Seattle (and area)


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2023
With the rest of the country experiencing Armageddon type weather catastrophes we are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful environment.

Crazy fucking heat waves, 100-year floods, tornados, its crazy out there!
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Has your senator that looks like a low rent Phil Helmuth* fled to Cancun yet?

* No offense meant towards Phil Helmuth.
Phil Hlmuth...thats funny. Not sure what Ted is up to, I don't watch his podcast or newsmax so Im kinda in the dark on that one. I might have to ask Tom Segura next time I see him.

Not gonna lie, it can get annoying. The year I left Bellingham and moved down here it was over a hundred for 40 days in a row. I had a black GTI with black leather and by the end of the summer my "golf" ball shifter had completely come apart from the heat. Looking at the forecast, its gonna stay over a hundred for the next two weeks. I won't bitch too much because there at least a 60% chance I will be wearing shorts and playing tennis outdoors on Christmas...
Not gonna lie, it can get annoying. The year I left Bellingham and moved down here it was over a hundred for 40 days in a row. I had a black GTI with black leather and by the end of the summer my "golf" ball shifter had completely come apart from the heat. Looking at the forecast, its gonna stay over a hundred for the next two weeks. I won't bitch too much because there at least a 60% chance I will be wearing shorts and playing tennis outdoors on Christmas...
Had an old roommate that moved from here to Vegas. He quickly learned you cannot leave anything in the car. His softball gear bag melted and his cleats melted. Also one of his bowling balls coverstock cracked which made it unusable and dumpster worthy.

The heat would suck but I think the politically “slow adults” that are your state government would be much worse.

Your governor and layout Lt governor should be in prison for their criminal behavior.
It is a weird place. I'll tell you like Ive told many others, anywhere you would actually want to live in Texas is pretty darn blue. I have hopes that Allred will unseat Ted this time around and will start the change that will happen sooner or later. Once Texas goes blue, the republicans will never win another national election. For better or worse...
It is a weird place. I'll tell you like Ive told many others, anywhere you would actually want to live in Texas is pretty darn blue. I have hopes that Allred will unseat Ted this time around and will start the change that will happen sooner or later. Once Texas goes blue, the republicans will never win another national election. For better or worse...
I’ve heard that from the non-cultists I know in Texas as well.
Had an old roommate that moved from here to Vegas. He quickly learned you cannot leave anything in the car. His softball gear bag melted and his cleats melted. Also one of his bowling balls coverstock cracked which made it unusable and dumpster worthy.

The heat would suck but I think the politically “slow adults” that are your state government would be much worse.

Your governor and layout Lt governor should be in prison for their criminal behavior.
Can you be specific over which criminal behavior you are referring to? I have some issues with our governor as well but did you see the hot mess the Republicans offered in the last election?
I was talking about the criminality of “hot wheels” Abbott and their LT Governor Dan Patrick, the later who’s supposed to have a trial that somehow keeps getting “put off”.

No, I’m not a fan of Inslee myself, but he’s not even as close to shitty as the Texas and Florida governors, which is a low bar to step over.